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National Delivery Forum: Delivery of new equipment and concerns of the Honda NBC 110 Motorcycles

  1. New Equipment

  2. NDMT (National Delivery Modelling Tool) Roll Out

  3. Honda NBC110 Motorcycle issues

  4. Motorcycle Training


Reports from the Australia Post National Delivery Forum: Tuesday 13 May 2014

New Equipment for Delivery:

  • Post has ordered 350 new buggies that have been further modified to improve handling and safety. These are expected to be available in the near future.
  • Dri Ryder motorcycle boots are now available to order as well as Yakka.
  • Vsort equipment is on order and expected to be available in 2 months. There has been a lack of Vsort equipment availability over the past.

NDMT (National Delivery Modelling Tool) Roll Out continues 

  • NDMT has been rolled out in all States now after the trial and implementation at Seven Hills Delivery Facility in Sydney.  It is important that all AURs, HSRs and posties take part of the modelling process to ensure factual data is entered into the system. This will provide safe indoor and outdoor data based on actual time taken not computerised generated predictions.

Honda NBC110 motorcycle issues

  • Concerns have been raised by members regarding the new NBC110 motorcycle tyres in off road conditions.  The standard tyre on the NBC110 is for street/paved roads only.  It is not to be used on terrain that in the past had nobby tyres.  Post is sourcing standard (paved), intermediate (mix of terrain) and nobby (rough terrain) for the NBC110. In the meantime, posties should use the older model motorcycle to deliver on rough terrain. Any concerns should be provided to the CWU National Office so it can be raised with Australia Post.
  • Leaking rear box. Post has acknowledged that in heavy rain water gets into the carrier box. They have suggested 3 holes be drilled into the box to let the water out. They are also trialling a plastic bag that fits into the box to keep the mail dry.  This matter is ongoing.

Mindset: New motorcycle rider training on Saturdays.

Post is slowly rolling out a new motorcycle training program to improve rider skills and cognitive abilities in posties to reduce the significant amount of incidents and accidents occurring in the mode of delivery. Importantly, Saturday training is VOLUNTARY. Riders will be paid on Award overtime rates. If riders are not available on Saturday’s then time during the week will be provided. Saturday training will take place between 8am to 12 noon. 

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