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Telstra safety alert: electrical insulation gloves

A number of safety measures relating to electrical insultation gloves have been implemented, following discussions between the Union and Telstra.

Following concerns raised by members working at Telstra, the Union held discussions with the manufacturer of the gloves earlier this month.

Earlier this month, the Union held talks with the manufacturer to seek clarity over the Australian Standard relating to the gloves - Live working – electrical insulation gloves 60903:2022).

It was apparent to us that current practices at Telstra weren’t compliant with the Standard. The Union raised the matter with Telstra last week and held discussions with management shortly after.

We are pleased to advise members of the following changes, in relation to the life cycle and replacement of the gloves, have been introduced at Telstra, with immediate effect, following our representations: 

  • All gloves that do not display a date of manufacture, or have been identified to have been manufactured more than 6 months ago, must be replaced. 
  • Before each use, members must conduct a visual inspection of each glove for their condition – checking for signs of wear and tear, including; cuts and tears, cracks and splitting, swelling , tackiness or discolouration and mottling and crazing patterns – all of which are known to affect the integrity of the protection provided by the gloves.

Members who have been issued with gloves manufactured more than 6 months ago, or who identify any of the above signs of wear and tear with their gloves, should cease using the gloves immediately and surrender them to management.

Management are then required to cut the fingertips off the gloves, dispose of them and issue replacements.

Any replacement gloves issued must be manufactured within 6 months of the date of issuance.

Should you require any further information in relation to this matter, please contact your State Branch Official for assistance.

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