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Fair Work Commission approves EBA9

Dear members,

Late yesterday afternoon the Fair Work Commission advised your Union that EBA9 has been approved and will officially come into effect on 9 August.

Once again, thank you to all local AURs and members in workplaces across Australia Post who were vocal in their demands for nothing less than a new EBA9 that protects our existing hard-won conditions, prevents members impacted by reform from forced redundancies and continues to maximise quality and meaningful sustainable full-time jobs.

With your active involvement and steadfast support, we are incredibly proud to have achieved all this and much more – despite the Abbott/Turnbull Government’s anti-worker bargaining policy.

Your first pay increase of 0.5% is due in pay packets on 20 September and the remaining 1.5% for this year is due in December. We will keep you informed of Australia Post’s performance results, due to be announced in September, which determine the payment of the additional 1% cash bonus.

Over the next three years, which will without doubt be full of further significant change as Australia Post continues to transform, we will be there every step of the way holding them to every last commitment made in EBA9 to ensure you are part of that change – not a victim of it.

Should you require any further information about your rights and entitlements under your new EBA9, please contact your state Branch.


Yours faithfully,


Greg Rayner,



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