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Trial for Honda NBC110 Intermediate Block Pattern Motorcycle Tyre

CWUnion has received numerous representations from posties who ride the new Honda NBC110 motorcycle regarding the factory tyres on the bike and their inability to handle off road conditions.

No postie should be riding the NBC110 for delivery on rounds that have off road conditions. The NBC110 with its current tyre is for paved roads and footpaths only. If you are using the NBC for delivery in off road conditions the CWUnion strongly suggests you replace this with the old red Honda 110 with off road tyres.

This matter has been represented by the CWUnion at the National Delivery Forum.  Australia Post has now advised Michael Etue from the National Office that an initial assessment of an intermediate block pattern motorcycle by two PDOs (one union nominated) will take place at Honda Australia Rider Training Facility at Somerton (Melbourne) in mid-July.

If there is positive feedback from the two posties a longer trial will take place mid-August with a number of posties in the field.

The CWUnion will keep members updated on this important trial.

If you have any feedback on the Honda NBC110 motorcycle, including the tyres please let us know. 

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