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injured at work

Injured at work? Be ready - not 'Work Ready'

One of the most common member requests for assistance from their Union is following a workplace injury.

Members are easily confused by the process — It’s not every day that they find themselves in this sort of circumstance.

And for many members who may not understand their rights, navigating through the process alone can quickly become overwhelming.

A pushy manager usually only makes things worse.

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer a workplace injury follow these three important steps to ensure you are best placed in your recovery, rehabilitation and any subsequent compensation claim that may follow:

  1. Complete an incident report form Complete this form as soon as possible following any workplace health and safety incident.  It is important to do this as soon as possible after the incident — regardless of how serious the incident or any subsequently sustained injury may be. 
  2. See your own family doctor This is very important. Your doctor works for you and the best interests of your recovery and rehabilitation. Depending on the severity of your injury, you may be required to undertake restricted duties at work. If this is the case, Australia Post will ask you to have your doctor complete a form to stipulate what those restrictions are. Your doctor should complete this form and you should return this to your manager. Management may encourage, or even pressure you, to attend and/or seek treatment from their ‘Work Ready’ facility nominated doctors (FNDs).  The FND works for Australia Post, not you.Provided you follow the above process, you are not required to see or to ever accept treatment from a FND.  The only circumstance in which you may ever need to have any contact with a FND may be for assessment purposes only, not treatment, following the lodgement of any claim for compensation.    
  3. Speak with your Union official Contact your state branch and speak with an official who can advise you on the above and any further requirements depending on the type of injury you may have sustained.   No question is a stupid question — so don’t be afraid to ask as many as you feel necessary to understand and work through the process.

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