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workers no paid holidays

Shift workers and rostered days off falling on a public holiday

The CWU has raised a dispute over whether workers should be paid for a public holiday that falls on a day on which they would not be rostered to work. The union is seeking an alternative day off or an additional day wages. 

This situation has occurred for employees in the sequencing area at Dandenong Letters Centre who work from Sunday to Thursday and are not rostered to work Friday.  Christmas Day and New Years Day both fall on Friday this year (as did the AFL Grand Final holiday). 

The Australia Post Enterprise Agreement and modern Enterprise Award contain entitlements to pay or additional time off for employees who are not otherwise rostered to work on a public holiday. For example, the EA provides that a seven day shift worker who is rostered off duty on a public holiday will be granted a day off in lieu of that holiday or an additional day’s pay. 

Furthermore, fairness requires that workers whose working arrangements differ from the norm not be disadvantaged by that fact. 

The matter will be notified to the FWC if not resolved.

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