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SAFETY FIRST. PDOs: Don't Overload

A number of PDOs have complained of parcels larger than the parcel gauge being streamed to posties in delivery centres across the country.

The matter, which can occur right back to the originating streaming point and is often not corrected by automation, has been raised with management, who have committed to work towards a solution to rectify it. 

Members should remember that health and safety is everyone's responsibilities and members shouldn't feel pressured to put themselves at risk by overloading or carrying parcels which they believe are too large. 

Parcel gauges are available at every delivery centre for members to check parcel sizes. If one has not been made available to you at your workplace - request one from your team leader or manager. 

If you are allocated a parcel which you believe is too large and unsafe to deliver, members are advised to raise the matter directly with their team leader or manager to make alternative delivery arrangements. 

If you do not have access to a parcel gauge in your workplace, contact your State Branch Office for assistance.

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