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Delivery equipment update

Tyre trials

Trials of new road tyres should be concluded by the end of August. However, knobby tyre trials are complete and data is currently being compiled.

Member complaints of knobby tyres slipping continue and have been raised at the national level.

Members will be kept abreast with developments.

NBC110 side stands

Newly delivered motorcycles will arrive fitted with a new style stand.

NBC110s currently in operational use will have the new stand fitted during regular servicing. The retrofitting program will commence in September.


Motorcycle helmets

Trials of a new high-vis motorcycle helmet is nearing completion. The new helmets feature additional ventilation and a removable liner.

Members will be advised on the outcome of the trials once concluded.


New rear top-box

After extensive testing, new rear top boxes for the motorcycle fleet have been ordered and are expected to be fitted in a retrofit exercise commencing in September – with completion estimated by the end of October.

The new top box is contains improved waterproofing and provides internal storage for wet weather gear and PDOs’ personal use.

What's New


Telstra's Pay Offer
Telstra EBA 2018
ACTU turns 90
May Day 2016
Optus EPA approved
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Reps training
Reasonable overtime
Vale Jojie Vivar
Changes to Bulletin
Christmas pay rises
Postal reform
Facebook bullying
Year in review
Vale Jim Armstrong


Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Vale Shane Morse
Meeting reminder
Coronavirus Update
Reps training
ACTU turns 90
Vale Jojie Vivar
May Day 2016
Facebook bullying
May Day 2015
Working In Heat
Your Union Petition
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